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Player Profile - Alex Walker

Player Profile on Dragons scrum half Alex Walker

Kath McCarthy | 13/09/2006

Full Name:  Alex Rhys Walker

Position: Scrum Half

Age: 20

Rugby Honours: Wales U18, U19

What are you looking forward to most this season?
To play as many games for the region as possible and doing well in the Magners League.

What are you looking forward to least this season?
Losing and injuries

What are your hopes for the 2006/07 season?
To play as much as possible, stay injury free and get back into the Heineken Cup.

Rugby Heroes:
Gareth Edwards/ Rob Howley

Greatest Influences and why:
Family because they are always there and for their support.

Most Respected Opponent and why:
Dwayne Peel, he is one of the best scrum halves in the world at this moment.

Favourite Player to Play alongside and why:
Craig Warlow at 10. He is an experienced player and keeps talking to me and helping me through the game.

Favourite Ground:
Rodney Parade

Least favourite ground:
The Gnoll, Neath

Main complaint about rugby:
The winter months when the ptiches are coated in thick mud.

Changes to improve the game and its appeal:
Summer rugby because of the better weather and more open games.

Funniest Moments in rugby:
Watching Richard Wilkes get taken out by a sniper against Bath

If you weren't a professional rugby player what would be your chosen career path and why?
A P.E teacher as you get to wear shorts all day and play sport.

Special Hobbies and Interests:
Attempting to play golf and learning to play guitar.

Other sports or games followed:
Most sports in general

Other sports people admired:
Lance Armstrong, Steve Redgrave


Actor: Tom Hanks                                                 

Actress: Jennifer Aniston

Film: Dumb & Dumber                                                         

TV Prog. Friends

Music: Anything with a good beat                             

Holiday Place: Ibiza

Food: Spaghetti Bolognese                                           

Drink: Cherry Coke

Newspaper: Any                                                        

Rugby Writer: Pass

With whom would you most like to be stranded on a desert island?
There's so many but probably Jessica Alba

If you could be anyone for a day who would you be and why?
Brad Pitt because all the girls love him and he's married to Angelina Jolie.

Most Prized Belongings other than your family?
My Grandad's old watch he left me

Pet Hates:
People eating with their mouths open.

Do you have any pre-match superstitions?
No, but I always think I'm running out with the wrong number jersey on!


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