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Player Profile - Nic Fitisemanu

Player Profile on Dragons No.8 Nic Fitisemanu

Kath McCarthy | 13/09/2006

Full Name: Nicholas Jeremy Louis Fitisemanu

Position: No8

Homelife: Engaged  

Age: 28

Rugby Honours:
NZ Schools, Waratah B

What are you looking forward to most this season?
Team bonding sessions

What are you looking forward to least this season?
When winter kicks in.

What are your hopes for the 2006/07 season?
To stay injury free and play my best in every game.

Rugby Heroes:
Zinzan Brooke

Greatest Influences and why:
My dad because he always made me push myself and have no regrets

Most Respected Opponent and why:
Always the next one

Favourite Player to Play alongside and why:
Too many to name. I enjoy playing alongside all my team mates.

Favourite Ground:
Athletic Park, Wellington

Least favourite ground:
Anyone which goes up hill

Main complaint about rugby:
No complaints, I love the game.

Changes to improve the game and its appeal:
Maybe have front rowers wearing fluorescent leotards.

Funniest Moments in rugby:
When players try a quick tap and drop the ball….

If you weren't a professional rugby player what would be your chosen career path and why?
Something in marketing or finance

Special Hobbies and Interests:
Learning Spanish

Other sports or games followed:
Golf and American Football

Other sports people admired:
Muhammad Ali


Actor: Will Farell / Denzel Washington           

Actress: Angelina Jolie

Film: Jerry McGuire                                     

TV Prog. The Dragons Den

Music: Slow Jams, R&B                           

Holiday Place: Barcelona/Las Vegas

Food: All especially salmon                                     

Drink: Red Bull

Newspaper: Pass                                            

Rugby Writer: Pass

With whom would you most like to be stranded on a desert island?
My partner in life Vanessa

If you could be anyone for a day who would you be and why?
President Bush so I could see how lazy he is and how many people hate him.

Most Prized Belongings other than your family?
My DVD collection

Pet Hates:

Do you have any pre-match superstitions?
I never sleep


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