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This is where the players get to turn the tables and interview their teammates. Today, our last interviewee Luke Charteris gets to put the questions to centre Rhodri Gomer Davies.

 This is where the players get to turn the tables and interview their teammates.

Today, our last interviewee Luke Charteris gets to put the questions to centre Rhodri Gomer Davies.

LC: So I’m here today with my old friend Rhodri Gomer Davies. Rhodri – how’s the farm?

RGD: The farm’s pretty good. We had a rather disappointing summer – we managed to get the harvest in but not as much as we wanted. We wanted a lot more hay and a more silage but –

LC: Okay – that’s enough farming talk! For the people out there who perhaps don’t know you as well as I do; can you just describe who you are and what you do at the Dragons?

RGD: My name is Rhodri Gomer Evans (sic) and I come from a little village in West Wales. As you mentioned already, I’m from a farming background. You and I obviously played rugby together back in the day but I went to England and have been back at the Dragons now for a couple of years.

LC: And what do you do at the Dragons? You need to make sure you answer the questions properly!

RGD: Ok- it was a bit of a long question – what was the second half again?

LC: (Sighs) What do you do at the Dragons – what do you bring to the team?

RGD: I mostly bring a lot of banter. I bring an ability to make a lot of people laugh. My strengths on the rugby field of course-

LC: You’re right – now I’m laughing!

RGD: And my strengths off the field too!

LC: You mentioned the fact that you and I played together when we were little little’uns. Can you just tell me a bit more about your playing history?

RGD: I started off at Lampeter comprehensive school and then off to Llanelli Wanderers where I played for a few years. Then I went to the Scarlets for a few years…

LC: I fear the readers may be getting a little bored by now…

RGD: So do you just want my current history? My current history is that I played for Northampton and then for the Dragons!

LC: Thank you, thank you. Now Rod, the question we’re asking everyone – What is the best part of being a professional rugby player?

RGD: The best part of being a professional rugby player apart from the fantastic food supplied at the club is the opportunity to learn new things from day to day and share in a relaxed environment with a great group of guys.

LC: That’s almost brought a tear to my eye there. And what would be the worst thing about it?

RGD: For me being at the Dragons – it would probably be having to spend a lot of time with Luke Charteris

LC: Ha!

RGD: Because he’s a pain

LC: Thank you for that! Now Rod – what do you see as the strengths of this team? Where do you think we’ll do well this season?

RGD: Well I think we have a bit of weakness in the centres at the moment but I’ll be back before long. .. Seriously though we’ve got a strong pack of forwards who carry the ball well and a set of very talented young backs. We’ve also got a great team spirit in the camp – everybody seems to get on really well and we all play for each other.

LC: Now then Rod, what did you get up to in your time off during the summer – when you weren’t on the farm obviously!

RGD: Well, I worked a bit on the farm

LC: (sighs impatiently)

RGD: But I also went to help orphaned and under privileged children in Africa, helping to build school facilities and coaching rugby.

LC: And that’s not a lie – you actually went?

RGD: Well I had the option to go to Las Vegas with you but unlike you I don’t have thousands of pounds to spend in a casino so instead I gave something back.

LC: You heard it first here ladies and gentlemen - Rhodri Gomer Davies the modern day martyr! Now then Rod - can you briefly tell us what your goals are for the team?

RGD: We are very focussed this season. As a team we are really looking to get into one of those Mangers League playoff spots.

LC: Now most importantly Rods – what’s your favourite colour?

RGD: It’s got to be red.

LC: Finally, there are rumours floating around the Parade about some sort of song being sung by the boys in the changing room. As the person who’s probably responsible for this – can you explain A) why it’s so bad and B) why we’re singing it?!

RGD: As you said, I am a modern day martyr. Some people put their bodies on the line for the good of the team and that’s what I’ve done here. Although you may not appreciate the song, it’s certainly bringing a lot of banter to the changing room after the game and I think perhaps it is what will spur us on to bigger and better things.

LC: Ladies and gentleman, that was Luke Charteris interviewing Rhodri Gomer Davies – my favourite player at the Dragons!
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