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Sean Phillips Ynysddu Mini - Rugby Co-ordinator is to carry the Olympic Torch on Friday 25th of May for all of his dedication, determination and time he gives and continues to give to the promoting an

Sean Phillips Ynysddu Mini - Rugby Co-ordinator is to carry the Olympic Torch on Friday 25th of May for all of his dedication, determination and time he gives and continues to give to the promoting and organising of Ynysddu Mini-Rugby Club.

Three years ago Sean and another rugby enthusiast restarted Mini-Rugby at Ynysddu, starting with just a handful of boys and some rugby balls and loads of energy they set about bringing Mini-Rugby back to the area. Three seasons later and Ynysddu now have four competitive teams playing and training every week, with boys and girls from 6 - 12 years old.

The Mini-Rugby Club has grown from strength to strength with Sean at the helm, not only the player base but each team now has their own coaches, team managers and first Aides. Even with the club a lot stronger it doesn't stop Sean from marking out pitches on match days, refereeing matches, coaching the U 8, U7s teams, arranging fixtures or re-arranging matches during the season, or help to clean up rooms after most of us have gone home, whatever needs to be done.....!

But its not about what Sean does its about how he does it.His coaching sessions are varied and have direction he explains to the children what he wants them to do, he plans every session. When refereeing matches Sean lets the games flow and although very competitive the main emphasize is on enjoyment and every player participation, not win at all cost. He represents the club in a positive way and this flows down to players,coaches and supporters alike.

Like all rugby clubs we have numerous social events, which attract children and parents not just from the Mini-Rugby Club but from the local communities as well. Events like Fun Days, Sponsored Walks, Halloween & Disco nights and Design Our Rugby Shirt competition, the season ends with the Player Awards Night. All these events have Sean as our hub driving the events to a successful end making sure everyone is aware of what we are doing and when. The Mini-Rugby teams have also played matches at the Millennium Stadium, one of which was organised within five days after the season had finished- a special day remembered by everyone involved.

Inspirational people like Sean make being a member of your local rugby club a pleasure and give you that impetus to join in and enjoy the experience, no matter what the weather!
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