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Dragons host ‘first in Wales’ X7 Clubs Festival

Rugby supporters and clubs will have the chance to enjoy a full weekend of rugby at Rodney Parade as the region launches an exciting and innovative new X7s tournament on 18-20th May 2018.

In partnership with the Welsh Rugby Union, the home of Dragons will also host WRU National Conference 10s on the same weekend to create a weekend long celebration, featuring live music, good food, children’s activities and plenty of rugby to enjoy.

X Rugby 7s or Cross field Sevens and the National 2nd XV Conference 10s deliver a number of benefits bringing players from youth rugby through into the club's senior ranks, re-integrating players who have dropped out of the game and offering as many players the chance to be involved as possible in the different formats of the game.

There are 72 clubs in the Dragons region, so the planned schedule is for clubs from the Premiership to Division 1 to play on Friday 18th May, clubs from Division 2, 3 and Second XV on the Saturday  with both the National 10s and womens on Sunday. 

This will be the first X7s club competition in Wales, after piloting the concept in universities and World Rugby are encouraging nations to trial the format,” said Adrian Evans, WRU Regional Rugby Manager for the Dragons region.

The chance to close the season with a full weekend of rugby at Rodney Parade showcasing these two different formats of the game with such a large number of possible participants is cutting edge and unprecedented in Wales,”

“Don’t underestimate both the size  and impact  of this event, we could be welcoming players from 80 clubs (including the national 10s) to play  a huge amount of  rugby across three days and over the whole Rodney Parade site including the £750,000 pitch  that was laid last summer.

“The Dragons are actively engaging with their region at all levels, and this festival of rugby with each team having the chance to play at the home of the Dragons reinforces that, it’s hugely exciting.

Any team wishing to take part should contact  email LRoberts@wru.walesto register their interest.

Bernard Jackman Dragons head coach added, “We want to unite the rugby supporters in our region behind the Dragons and by throwing open our doors to create a cross field 7s tournament with every club invited seems to be the perfect way to end the season as well as get people excited about what is to come next year.

“Players, coaches and the Rodney Parade staff will be there to ensure it’s a great event to be enjoyed by all, with live music, food and plenty of rugby to enjoy.”

Register your club   with Lewis Roberts at the WRU  before  Friday 27thApril. by email 


An amended version of Sevens aimed at new or returning players o?ering a simple to understand, easily adaptable version of the game with contact as a core element.

• Sevens is an identified growth brand, is a global and Olympic game and provides a strong vehicle for transition from non-contact into contact rugby.
• It is important that the development of Sevens is considered as part of a wider rugby growth strategy, which complements and links to the XV a side game and is fully aligned with the charter and values of the game.
• Designing a format which encourages longevity and ?exibility is important. A key aim is to deepen engagement with rugby by increasing regularity.
• Insight shows that key attractions for potential players are the fitness and social elements along with a ?exible approach to timing and delivery.

• The game format should be designed primarily with adult players in mind but with the ability to be easily adapted for di?erent ages. Contact should form a core element of the game but with ?exibility for local adaptations to remove/limit contact. (This could include number of players and time of game, i.e. 4 x 5 min quarters)
• It should be simple to understand, simple to organise and simple to play

The object of the game is to score a try by placing the ball with a downward pressure on or behind the opponents’ goal line.

A penalty try will be awarded if a try would probably have been scored but for an infringement by the defending team. Only infringements that a?ect the oppositions’ play should be penalised or
advantage played. If there is no e?ect to play, then play should continue wherever it is safe to do so.

A tap-and-play - the ball may be kicked with any part of the lower leg from knee to the foot, excluding the knee and the heel

The game will be played on a pitch not exceeding 70m (including in-goal areas) in length and 50m in width. Where two games are played side by side (e.g. cross pitch on a full size pitch) a minimum space of 7 metres must be created between the two pitches. On a typical full-size pitch the in-goal areas will be the 5m area with the side-line nearest the goal posts being the 5m line

Each team must have no more than seven players on the playing area. A team may nominate up to five replacements/substitutes, with no restriction in the number of interchanges. Rolling substitutions are permitted and substituted players can return at any time. Substitutions can only take place when the ball is dead and always with the referee’s permission.

A try results in a 5 point score unless it is scored in a “Max-Zone” – a 15 metre wide space in the centre of the try line. Scoring within this zone results in a 7 point score. There will be no conversions.

Starting the Game & Restarting after a Try
A team starts the game with a tap-and-play which must be taken on or behind the centre of the half way line. The defending team must be 7m back from the half way line. Re-start following the scoring of a try takes place on the referee’s whistle and consists of a tap-and-play by the non-scoring team.

The tackler must grasp the ball carrier when performing a tackle below the line of the armpit, on the shirt, shorts or around the legs. The grasp must be simultaneous with, or prior to shoulder contact.

A player must not tackle (or try to tackle) an opponent above the line of the arm pit, even if the tackle starts below the line of the armpit.

When a tackle is made there are two o?side lines parallel to the goal lines, one for each team. Each o?side line runs through the hindmost body part of the player(s) on the ground.

A player from either team not involved in the tackle may play the ball only by entering from behind the hindmost body part of the player(s) on the ground. The tackler must get up before playing the ball and then can only play from their side of the tackle gate.

This player can only be tackled when the ball is lifted from the ground and they have made a move to either step, run pass or kick the ball.

The o?side line remains until the ball is lifted from the ground as described above by an arriving player

A maul begins when a player carrying the ball is held by one or more opponents, and one or more of the ball carrier’s team mates bind on the ball carrier. A maul therefore consists, when it begins, of at least three players, all on their feet; with a maximum of three players from each team including the ball carrier. If more than 3 players enter the maul, the other team will be awarded a tap-and-play.

How can a ruck form? Players are on their feet. At least one player must be in physical contact with an opponent, with a maximum of two players from each team. If more than 2 players enter the ruck, the other team will be awarded a tap-and-play.

Touch and Lineout
When called, a lineout will be formed by any 3 players from each team. Two players will take
positions in the line – all behind a 5 metre mark given by the referee. The third player from the throwing in team will throw the ball in, with the third player from the opposition team being within the 5 metre mark.

No lifting will be allowed. If a team does lift in the lineout, a tap-and-play will be awarded.Both teams must be 7m back from the lineout.

When called, a scrum will be formed by any 3 players from each team. The referee will set the scrum in the normal way with all scrums being passive (no pushing) but both teams may hook the ball to win possession. Both teams must be 5m back from the scrum. No opposition players are permitted to go past the midpoint of the scrum, where the front rows come together until the ball
is lifted by the scrum half of the team in possession of the ball.

Kicking, Penalties and Free-Kicks
Kicking is only allowed in open play, from the hands and must be kicked into the ground (grubber kick). Sanction for any other kick is a tap-and-play at the place of infringement.

If a kick results in the ball going into touch before touching the ground it results in a tap-and-play to the non-o?ending team from the point at which the kick was made.If, from a grubber kick, a defender touches down in the in-goal or if the ball goes dead the re-start is a tap-and-play
from the 15m line.

Any penalty o?ences will result in a tap-and-play. The team being awarded the penalty have a choice, once the referee has called the penalty of a quick tap-and-play, from the place of the infringement or wait for the referee to take the penalised team back 7 metres or their try line (if less than 7m). A free-kick o?ence is replaced by a tap-and-play

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